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Head of Department
Telephone: + 380 44 422-96-09 Fax: + 380 44 424-35-67 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Department staff is 16 co-workers including 1 DSc, 9 PhDs, and 1 PhD student. The Department includes Laboratory of Chemisorption (Head of Lab DSc V. A. Tertykh). From 1986, the Department researchers published 1 book, several chapters in 4 collective monographs, 170 scientific articles; 1 doctor and 4 candidate dissertations were defended
Directions of investigations
The main direction of the department’s research is the development of scientific principles of directed synthesis of hybrid organic-inorganic materials using sol-gel and template methods and multicomponent systems. Such hybrid materials are of significant practical interest for sorption technologies (selective removal of toxic and precious metal ions, rare earth and radioactive elements; selective absorption of organic molecules from vapour and gasses, etc.), eco-analytical chemistry (quality control of food, drinking water, etc.), chromatography (of proteins, etc.), chemo- and biosensors (medical diagnostics), catalysis (eg, creating selective catalysts with super acidic centres), biotechnology (enzymatic catalysts).
Main results for the recent years
On the basis of the sol-gel and template methods there were developed one-stage techniques for the synthesis of mesoporous silica with complexing and ion-exchange groups (amine, mercapto, ammonium, phosphonic, and thiourea) in the surface layer. Methods of AFM and electron microscopy were applied to study the morphology of the obtained hybrid organic-inorganic materials. Vibrational and solid-state NMR spectroscopy were used to analyze the composition, structure of structural units and the behavior of the surface layer. There were studied the absorption properties of the synthesized materials towards some heavy ions, noble metals and actinides. It was shown that such sorbents are easy to regenerate without significant changes in their structure and the surface layer.
Hydrolytic copolycondensation reaction of tetraethoxysilane with relevant trifunctional silanes in ammonia medium (modified Stöber method) was used to produce spherical silica particles (average diameter 140-270 nm) with different functional and complexing groups in the surface layers: hydrophobic fluorine-containing groups, amino and sulfur-containing groups. It was shown that the course of of hydrolytic polycondensation reaction with 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane (formation of gel or particles) depends on the concentration of ammonia in the initial solution. It was determined than in the case of amino groups, the particle size depends on the geometry and basicity of functional groups, the order of reacting components introduction and the mixing time of the suspension. It was shown that the silica spheres with fluorine-containing groups absorb benzene, spheres with amino groups adsorb nickel (II) and copper (II) ions of from aqueous solutions, and with thiol groups - silver (I) ions.
The developed method of hydrolytic polycondensation of tetraethoxysilane with corresponding trifunctional silanes was used for coating of the surfaces of Fe3O4magnetic particles with bifunctional layers of ≡Si(CH2)3NH2/≡SiCH3 and ≡Si(CH2)3NH2/≡SiC3H7-n. The formation of polysiloxane bonds and the presence of functional groups (1.6-2.2 mmol/g) in the surface layers of magnetite nanoparticles were confirmed by IR spectroscopy and acid-base titration. The presence of methyl (or n-propyl) groups along with amine groups in the surface layer enhances the sorption capacity on samples to human serum albumin. The obtained powders retain their magnetic properties and are promising for application in medical practice.
There were determined the basic factors affecting the amount of urease and cholinesterase binding; residual activity of these enzymes during immobilization in polysiloxane matrices, on the surface of mesoporous silica and magnetite with functional groups. There was suggested a technique of one-stage immobilization of urease on non-porous surfaces using hydrolytic polycondensation reaction of alkoxysilanes that involves the introduction of native enzyme in the original reaction solution of alkoxysilanes. During the further course of hydrolytic polycondensation the enzyme is included in polyorganosiloxane matrix. Immobilization of urease occurs with high levels of enzyme binding (50-90%), and its residual activity is about 50-70%.
The hydrolytic polycondensation reaction of tri- and tetrafunctional silanes was used to form the active layers on the surfaces of flat ceramic membranes (based on Al2O3). The method involves obtaining fine sol by acid hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane and 3-mercaptopropylrtimethoxysilane. It was determined that at the ratio of reacting components "tetraethoxysilane/3-mercaptopropyl-rtimethoxysilane" in the functionalizing sol equaled to 1:1 (mol) there was observed the formation of 70 nm nanoparticles on the surfaces of flat ceramic membranes. IR spectroscopy confirmed the presence of polysiloxane network and complexing mercapto groups. Such membranes were also functionalized with polysiloxane and polysilsesquioxane layers containing 3-aminopropyl groups. SEM images indicate the formation of polysiloxane or polysilsesquioxane layers on the membranes surface with thickness of 0.35 μm and 4.4 μm, respectively. Infrared spectroscopy data confirmed the presence of the polysiloxane network and functional groups introduced during synthesis. Measurements of the contact angles on the membranes surfaces showed that the hydrophilicity of the active layer is practically independent of the type of the structuring agent (tetraethoxysilane or 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane), and the introduction of the methyl groups increasing the hydrophobicity of the surface layer.
Department staff
Dudarko Oksana A., PhD, Research Associate,
tel.:+38 (044) 4229630; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Melnyk Inna V., PhD, Senior Researcher,
tel.:+38 (044) 4229609; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nazarchuk Galyna I., Junior Researcher,
tel.:+38 (044) 4229630; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sliesarenko Valeria V., leading engineer,
tel:+38 (044) 4229630, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stolyarchuk Natalia V., Junior Researcher,
tel.:+38 (044) 4229630; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tomina Veronika V., leading engineer,
tel:+38 (044) 4229609, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postgraduate student
Boyko Yulia V., tel:+38 (044) 4229630, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Laboratory of Chemisorption staff
Tertykh Valentyn A., DSc, Chief Scientist,
tel.:+38 (044) 4229673; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bolbukh Iuliia M., PhD, Senior Researcher,
tel.:+38 (044) 4249468; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Budnyak Tetyana M., PhD, Junior Researcher,
tel.:+38 (044) 4249468, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Korobeinyk Alina V., PhD in Chemistry of Brighton University (Great Britain),
Research Associate, tel.:+38 (044) 4249468; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kozakevych Roman B., PhD, Research Associate,
tel.:+38 (044) 4249468; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kuzema Pavlo O., PhD, Senior Researcher,
tel.:+38 (044) 4249468; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Polishchuk Lilia M., PhD, Junior Researcher,
tel.:+38 (044) 4249468; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Protsak Iryna S., PhD, leading engineer,
tel.:+38 (044) 4249468, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sevostyanov Stanislav V., leading engineer,
tel.:+38 (044) 4249468; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Recent Publications
1. R.P. Pogorilyi, I.V. Melnyk, Y.L. Zub, G.A. Seisenbaeva, V.G. Kessler. Immobilization of urease on magnetic nanoparticles coated by polysiloxane layers bearing thiol- or thiol- and alkyl-functions // J. Mater. Chem. B. – 2014. – 2. – Р.2694-2702
2. R.P. Pogorilyi, I.V. Melnyk, Y.L. Zub, S. Carlson, G. Daniel, P. Svedlindh, G.A. Seisenbaeva, V.G. Kessler. New product from old reaction: uniform magnetite nanoparticles from iron-mediated synthesis of alkali iodides and their protection from leaching in acidic media // RSC Advances. – 2014. – 4. – Р.22606-22612.
3. O.A. Dudarko, C. Gunathilake, V.V. Sliesarenko, Yu.L. Zub, M. Jaroniec. Microwave-assisted and conventional hydrothermal synthesis of ordered mesoporous silicas with P-containing functionalities // Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects. – 2014. - 459. - P.4-10.
4. G.I. Nazarchuk, I.V. Melnyk, Yu.L. Zub, O.I. Mokridina, A.I. Vezentsev. Mesoporous silica containing ≡Si(CH2)3NHC(S)NHC2H5 functional groups in the surface layer // Journal of Colloid аnd Interface Science. – 2013. – 389. – P.15–120.
5. V.V. Sliesarenko, O.A. Dudarko, Y.L. Zub, G.A. Seisenbaeva, V.G. Kessler, P. Topka, O. Šolcova. One-pot synthesis of mesoporous SBA-15 containing protonated 3-aminopropyl groups // J. Porous Mater. – 2013. - V. 20. - P. 1315-1321.
6. R.P. Pogorilyi, I.V. Melnyk, Y.L. Zub, G.A. Seisenbaeva, V.G. Kessler, M. M.Shcherbatyik, A. Košak, A. Lobnik. Urease adsorption and activity on magnetite nanoparticles functionalized with monofunctional and bifunctional surface layers //Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. – 2013. - V.68, №3. - P. 447-454.
7. I.V. Melnyk, Y.L. Zub. Preparation and characterisation of magnetic nanoparticles with bifunctional surface layer ≡Si(CH2)3NH2/≡SiCH3 (or ≡SiC3H7–n) // Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. – 2012. – V.154. – P.196–199.
8. I.V. Melnyk, V.P. Goncharyk, N.V. Stolyarchuk, L.I. Kozhara, А.S. Lunochkina, Yu.L. Zub, B. Alonso. Dy3+ sorption from water solutions by mesoporous silicas functionnalized by phosphonic acid groups // Journal of Porous Materials. – 2012. – V.19. – P.579–585.
9. I.V. Melnyk, M. Fatnassi, T. Cacciaguerra, Y.L. Zub and В. Alonso. Spray-dried porous silica microspheres functionalised by phosphonic acid groups // Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. – 2012. – V.152. – P.172–177.
10. V.V. Tomina, G.R. Yurchenko, A.K. Matkovsky, Yu.L. Zub, A. Kosak, A. Lobnik. Synthesis of polysiloxane xerogels with fluorine-containing groups in the surface layer and their sorption properties // Journal of Fluorine Chemistry. – 2011. – 132. – Р.1146–1151.
11. Yu.L. Zub, N.V. Stolyarchuk, M. Barczhak, A. Dabrowski. Surface heterogeneity of polysiloxane xerogels functionalized by 3-aminopropyl group // Appl. Surf. Sc. – 2010. – V.256. – Р.5361–5364.
12. G.I. Dobryanskaya, V.P. Goncharik, L.I. Kozhara, Yu L. Zub, A. Dabrowski. Complex formation involving Hg2+ ions on the surface of the polysiloxane xerogels functionalized by 3-mercaptopropyl groups // Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry.- 2009-. - Vol. 35, N 4. - P. 264–271.
13. I.V. Melnyk, Y.L. Zub, E. Véron, D. Massiot, T. Cacciagarra, B. Alonso. Spray-dried mesoporous silica microspheres with adjustable textures and pore surfaces homogenously covered by accessible thiol functions // J. Mater. Chem. – 2008. – 18. – P.1368–1382.
14. Yu.L. Zub, I.V. Melnyk, M.G. White, B. Alonso. Structural features of surface layers of bifunctional polysiloxane xerogels containing 3-aminopropyl groups and 3-mercaptopropyl groups // Ads. Sci. Technol. – 2008. – V. 26, No ½. – P.119–133.
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Про результати виборів
02 липня 2024 року в Інституті хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН України відбулися Збори колективу наукових працівників, присвячені виборам директора Інституту. В Національну академію наук України надійшли документи від одного претендента, а саме від заступника директора з наукової роботи Інституту, чл.-кор. НАН України В.В. Турова. Саме його кандидатура брала участь у виборах.
Станом на 02 липня 2024 року фактична штатна чисельність наукових працівників Інституту становила 123 особи. Загальні Збори наукових працівників виключили на час проведення Зборів 23 працівників зі списків виборців відповідно до їх заяв у зв’язку з перебуванням закордоном. Таким чином, на час проведення виборів фактична штатна чисельність наукових працівників Інституту становила 100 осіб. На Зборах колективу наукових працівників зареєструвалося 87 осіб, що становить 87%. Тобто Збори є правочинними обирати директора Інституту.
Для проведення таємного голосування було виготовлено 123 бюлетені, участь в голосуванні взяло 87 наукових працівників, в урні виявлено 87 бюлетенів, залишилося нерозданими 36 бюлетені, які були погашені.
За кандидатуру В.В. Турова проголосувало 82 особи, проти – 5 осіб, недійсних бюлетенів – 0.
Для обрання керівника (директора) Інституту хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН України необхідно, щоб згідно п. 3.12.4. Статуту НАН України кандидат на посаду директора набрав не менше 2/3 голосів виборців, тобто 58 голоси, або більше 1/2 голосів, коли за кандидата проголосувало менше 2/3 виборців, тобто більше 44 голоси.
Таким чином, ТУРОВ Володимир Всеволодович вважається обраним на посаду директора Інституту хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН України
Голова Оргкомітету,
головуючий на Зборах А.М. Дацюк,
Секретар Оргкомітету, секретар Зборів О.О. Казаков
ONLINE ТРАНСЛЯЦІЯ виборів директора Інституту хімії поверхні ім. О.О.Чуйка НАН України
Шановні наукові співробітники!
За попереднім узгодженням з Відділенням хімії НАН України, враховуючи терміни, визначені законодавством для проведення керівників державних наукових установ, 02 липня 2024 року відбудуться вибори директора Інституту хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН України.
Згідно з порядком проведення виборів, участь у виборах можуть брати усі наукові працівники, незважаючи на відпустки, декретні відпустки, відпустки за свій рахунок і т.п.
Голосувати можна і під час лікарняного, якщо стан вашого здоров'я дозволяє це.
Онлайн голосування на виборах директора законодавство НЕ ПЕРЕДБАЧАЄ, тобто участь у голосуванні можна взяти лише особисто, будучи присутнім 02.07.2024 року в Інституті.
Зважаючи на літній період, потенційні ваші відпустки, адміністрація Інституту просить спланувати свій час так, щоб ви 02.07.2024 року могли забезпечити кворум та взяти участь у виборах директора.
Ukrainian conference with international participation
29-30 May, 2024, Kyiv