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Acting Head of Department Korochkova Taisiya Ye. PhD (Physics and Mathematics)
Telephone: + 380 44 422-96-19 Fax: + 380 44 424-35-67 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
upper row: DSc. S.I. Pokutniy, PhD. O.I. Gichan, PhD T.Yu. Gromovoy, PhD Т.Ye. Korochkova l
ower row: V.A. Mashira, N.M. Moshkivska, A.V. Mischanchuk, PhD V.I. Kanevskii, A.D. Terets
Department staff is 11 co-workers including 2 DScs and 4 PhDs. From 1986, the Department researchers have published 13 books, more than 400 scientific papers; 2 doctor and 4 candidate dissertations were defended.
Directions of investigations
Theoretical and mathematical physics of diffusion processes near the phase interface, controlled transport at nanoscale, operating mechanisms of Brownian motors.
Theoretical physics of quasi-atomic nanosystems.
Theoretical quantum optics and optical spectroscopy of electronic, exciton and biexciton states in heterogeneous atom-like nanosystems.
Theoretical investigation of the nonequilibrium processes at the electrode/electrolyte interface. Establishing the conditions for control and prediction of the nonlinear behavior of such systems.
Investigation of physics-chemical features of adsorption process in nanosystems by desorption mass spectrometry.
Simulation of light scattering on dielectric resonators and multilayer carbon nanotubes.
Main results for the recent years
The theory of Brownian motors has been developed, which describes the temperature-frequency control of the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the ratchet effect. The mechanism of occurrence of additional areas of nonmonotonicity of the frequency dependence of the average velocity and additional motor stop points, which is due to competition between the characteristic times of the system.
A model of a reciprocating molecular photomotor of the guest-host type, consisting of dye and cavitand molecules, has been developed. Under the action of an ultrashort laser pulse, the dye molecule performs a reciprocating motion, which is accompanied by an increase in the lifetime of fluorescence.
The theory of spatially indirect exciton states (SIES) in nanosystems containing semiconductor (germanium) and dielectric (alumina) quantum dots (QDs) has been developed. It is shown that the interband absorption (radiation) spectra of nanosystems consist of energy zones formed by electron transitions between quasi-stationary and stationary states, and the intraband absorption spectra consist of zones caused by electron transitions between stationary states.
The theory of interaction of SIES with light in nanosystems is developed. It is shown that at the resonant frequency of SIES, the values of polarizability, as well as absorption cross sections due to optical absorption on surface SIES, acquire gigantic values four orders of magnitude larger than similar values in semiconductor and dielectric single crystals.
The theory of photoluminescence of perovskite nanocrystals (PNs) has been developed. It is shown that the total relaxation of the PNs looks like a cascade phototransition process in which the total effective lifetime of relaxation after photoexcitation is a convolution of exponential declines for each transition in the cascade. Mechanisms for the formation of interband absorption and photoluminescence spectra, as well as mechanisms for slowing down photoluminescence radiation in PNs are proposed.
The tunneling of electrons through the potential barrier separating the double QDs of germanium has been theoretically investigated. It is shown that the tunneling of electrons through the potential barrier leads to the splitting of electronic states and the emergence of a zone of electronic states localized above the interface (QD - silicon matrix).
The influence of mass transport on the occurrence of periodic current oscillations and bistability in a model electrocatalytic process with a preceding homogeneous first-order chemical reaction in the Nernst diffusion layer for different diffusion coefficients of species involved in the chemical reaction is shown. The impacts of the diffusion coefficients of electrochemically active and inactive species, as well as the preceding chemical reaction rate constants on the emergence of these dynamical instabilities are uncovered.
For the first time, the exact analytical expression for the Gerischer finite length impedance is obtained for different diffusion coefficients of the species involved in the homogeneous first-order chemical reaction.
A simple physical model which describes the origin of phase angle of the Warburg finite length diffusion impedance was developed. It is shown that dffusion results in a phase delay of the surface concentration of species with respect to current. The phase shift between current and concentration is a function of a ration of the Nernst diffusion layer thickness to an oscillating length.
In the comparative electrodynamic analysis of two approaches to nanopolishing of quartz surface (under direct light and full internal reflection) it was determined that due to the phenomenon of total internal reflection, other things being equal, Poynting vector over surface protrusions, in case of surface quartz illumination, under critical angle of total internal reflection, increases by about 8 times.
Department staff
Korochkova Taisiya Ye., Acting Head of Dep., PhD, Senior Researcher,
tel.:+38 (044) 4229619; e- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gichan Olga I., PhD, Senior Researcher,
tel.:+38 (044) 4229697; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gromovoy Taras Yu., PhD, Senior Researcher,
tel.: +38 (044) 4249456; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kanevskii Vasilii I., PhD, Senior Researcher,
tel.:+38 (044) 4229697; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Laguta Valentin N., engineer,
tel.: 097 5604930; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mashira Vasilii A., Leading engineer,
tel.: +38 (044) 4229619; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mischanchuk Aleksandr V., Junior Researcher,
tel.: +38 (044) 2393316; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Moshkivska Nadezhda M., leading engineer,
tel.: +38 (044) 4249451; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pokutnyi Sergij I., DSc, Leading Researcher,
tel.: +38 (044) 4229619, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Terets Andrey D., Engineer,
tel.: +38 (044) 4229619; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Recent Publications
1. I.V. Shapochkina, T.Ye. Korochkova, V.M. Rozenbaum, A.S. Bugaev, L.I. Trakhtenberg. Temperature-frequency controlling the characteristics of a pulsating Brownian ratchet with slightly fluctuating potential energy. // Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems. – 2021. – v. 24, No. 1. – P. 71 – 83.
2. V.M. Rozenbaum, T.Ye. Korochkova, I.V. Shapochkina, L.I. Trakhtenberg. Exactly solvable model of a slightly fluctuating ratchet. Phys. Rev. E. – 2021. – V. 104, No. 1. - P. 014133-1-12.
3. S. Yakunin, J. Chaaban, B. M. Benin, I. Cherniukh, C. Bernasconi, A. Landuyt, Y. Shynkarenko, S. Bolat, C. Hofer, Y. E. Romanyuk, S. Cattaneo, S. I. Pokutnyi, R.D. Schaller, M.I. Bodnarchuk, D. Poulikakos, M.V. Kovalenko. Radiative lifetime-encoded unicolour security tags using perovskite nanocrystals // Nature Communications. – 2021. –V.12. – P. 981.
4. S.I. Pokutnyi, Y.N. Kulchin, V.P. Dzyuba. Indirect Excitons and Polarization of Dielectric Nanoparticles // Journal of Physical Chemistry C. – 2019. – V. 123, No. 42. – P. 26031 – 26035.
5. S.I. Pokutnyi. Polarizability of germanium quantum dots with spatially separated electrons and holes, The European Physical Journal Plus. – 2020. – V. 135, No.1. – P.74.
6. S.I. Pokutniy. Optical absorption by a nanosystem with dielectric quantum dots // The European Physical Journal Plus – 2020. – V. 135, No.5, - P. 398.
7. O.I. Gichan, V.V. Pototskaya. Mass transport and dynamical instabilities in a model electrocatalytic process with a preceding chemical reaction // Electrochimica Acta. – 2020. – V. 363. – 137228.
8. V.V. Pototskaya, O.I. Gichan, А.О. Omelchuk Regularities of the of simultaneous discharge of ions. Theory of electrochemical synthesis // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.- 2021.- № 3. – P. 48-54.
9. N.N. Kriklya, T.Y. Gromovoy, N.O. Mchedlov-Petrossyan. 4,5-Dinitrosulfonefluorescein and related dyes: Kinetics of reversible rupture of the pyran ring and their interaction with lysozyme // Coloration Technol. – 2021. – 137. – P. 658– 667.
10. V.I. Kanevskii, S.O. Kolienov. Theoretical analysis of the influence of spatial-spectral characteristics of a quartz surface on the field contrast during photochemical polishing // Journal of Modern Optics. – 2020. – Vol. 67, No.14. – P. 1254-1258.
11. V.I. Kanevskii, S.O. Kolienov, V.I. Grygoruk, O.U. Stelmakh. Electrodynamic features of the optimal near-field above the rough quartz surface in the photochemical polishing methods // Journal of Modern Optics. – 2021. V 68, No. 15. – P. 798-805.
12. B.M. Gorelov, O.V.Mischanchuk, N.V.Sigareva, S.V.Shulga, A.M.Gorb, O.I.Polovina, V.O.Yukhymchuk. Structural and dipole-relaxation processes in epoxy–multilayer graphene composites with low filler content // Polymers. – 2021. – 13. – P. 3360.
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Про результати виборів
02 липня 2024 року в Інституті хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН України відбулися Збори колективу наукових працівників, присвячені виборам директора Інституту. В Національну академію наук України надійшли документи від одного претендента, а саме від заступника директора з наукової роботи Інституту, чл.-кор. НАН України В.В. Турова. Саме його кандидатура брала участь у виборах.
Станом на 02 липня 2024 року фактична штатна чисельність наукових працівників Інституту становила 123 особи. Загальні Збори наукових працівників виключили на час проведення Зборів 23 працівників зі списків виборців відповідно до їх заяв у зв’язку з перебуванням закордоном. Таким чином, на час проведення виборів фактична штатна чисельність наукових працівників Інституту становила 100 осіб. На Зборах колективу наукових працівників зареєструвалося 87 осіб, що становить 87%. Тобто Збори є правочинними обирати директора Інституту.
Для проведення таємного голосування було виготовлено 123 бюлетені, участь в голосуванні взяло 87 наукових працівників, в урні виявлено 87 бюлетенів, залишилося нерозданими 36 бюлетені, які були погашені.
За кандидатуру В.В. Турова проголосувало 82 особи, проти – 5 осіб, недійсних бюлетенів – 0.
Для обрання керівника (директора) Інституту хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН України необхідно, щоб згідно п. 3.12.4. Статуту НАН України кандидат на посаду директора набрав не менше 2/3 голосів виборців, тобто 58 голоси, або більше 1/2 голосів, коли за кандидата проголосувало менше 2/3 виборців, тобто більше 44 голоси.
Таким чином, ТУРОВ Володимир Всеволодович вважається обраним на посаду директора Інституту хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН України
Голова Оргкомітету,
головуючий на Зборах А.М. Дацюк,
Секретар Оргкомітету, секретар Зборів О.О. Казаков
ONLINE ТРАНСЛЯЦІЯ виборів директора Інституту хімії поверхні ім. О.О.Чуйка НАН України
Шановні наукові співробітники!
За попереднім узгодженням з Відділенням хімії НАН України, враховуючи терміни, визначені законодавством для проведення керівників державних наукових установ, 02 липня 2024 року відбудуться вибори директора Інституту хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка НАН України.
Згідно з порядком проведення виборів, участь у виборах можуть брати усі наукові працівники, незважаючи на відпустки, декретні відпустки, відпустки за свій рахунок і т.п.
Голосувати можна і під час лікарняного, якщо стан вашого здоров'я дозволяє це.
Онлайн голосування на виборах директора законодавство НЕ ПЕРЕДБАЧАЄ, тобто участь у голосуванні можна взяти лише особисто, будучи присутнім 02.07.2024 року в Інституті.
Зважаючи на літній період, потенційні ваші відпустки, адміністрація Інституту просить спланувати свій час так, щоб ви 02.07.2024 року могли забезпечити кворум та взяти участь у виборах директора.
Ukrainian conference with international participation
29-30 May, 2024, Kyiv